Saturday, May 23, 2009


Musical site

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

CPP reference

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Venuvai vachanu -- by Deepika

Good morning..

Recently i got to know that the HUGE n HUGE (in capital) amount relevant/irreverent information is laying around you. It just matter of garbing required things. The best example i could think now as a source is INT (INterneT not an INTeger ... just PJ).

Then started looking around in the INT.
To start with i stared with (as i am more interested in listening rather than reading).
While watching videos i come across some really worth watching technical videos,
some nice singing competition videos (for telugu songs) and more interestingly political videos.

While going through political videos, i kinda captured few things as follows
INDIA is kinda bugged with stingy and corrrepted politics.
INDIA is badly requiring a good leader who can drive and track the things reasonably well.
The current leader the Great Manmohan Sigh (is King) is good leader but the issue we don't have proper support to him and moreover he is not in a comfortable zone to do/ to decide freely (excuse me i am not against Congress party).

So at this movement we not only need just a leader also a great support / force to that leader.

There is one leader we has started this activity and he is now in process of gathering the force.

For making GREEN INDIA we need to join that force...
That is *** LOKSATTHA ***

We will join with JP (Jai Prakash Narayan) try to do our best to our Nation.

Jai Hind

Monday, October 6, 2008